New Apartment! And we're back!

Hello dear readers... apologies for the long time apart, but we're back! Our move to a new apartment has inspired us to get back to blogging, so let's begin with a quick tour of our new apartment. We moved from Spring Garden Lane to Kennedy Road - much less noise, nicer street, and beautiful views!

Walking in, dining area to the left, living room on the right, bedrooms and kitchen down the hall:

Living room, with view out the window - the mandarin tree is a symbol for wealth and luck and is purchased before Chinese New Year. One other funny thing to note - there is no internal heat in HK so we've purchased space heaters for each room:

Dining area, with view out the window (with Victoria Peak in the top left corner):

The kitchen, not much to say other than it's little. We're cooking a lot nonetheless (thanks to Dorit for doing dishes last night!).

And, finally, the bedroom - the apartment came with naked light bulbs dangling from the ceiling (no joke), so we installed a new light from our dear friends in Scandinavia:

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